Saturday, January 30, 2021

My mother----------Pavani Prasad Bartake


My mother

Pavani Prasad Bartake


My mother,

The one whose smile guides my way,

She is the bright sunshine who lights my day,


My mother,

The one who makes me feel good when I am sad,

She is the fairy with magic wand


My mother,

The one who makes delicious dishes,

She is the one who sacrifices for our wishes.


My mother,

The one who hugs n cuddles me, and wipes my tear,

She is my pretty angle dear


My mother,

The one who makes my bedtime stories a fun,

She is the one from whom I always get something new to learn


My mother,

The one who is a God's favour

Her care for me will end never.


Dear mother,

When I slide on the beautiful memories with you,

I feel blessed and content too.

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